
The hangover you say !

Oyez Oyez good people !

Did you know that? It has a clever name! Researchers have named it “veisalgia”. The name, as unsympathetic as the symptoms it causes, is derived from the Norwegian “kveis” meaning “the discomfort that follows debauchery”, as well as from the Greek root “ἄλγος” or “algos” meaning “pain”.
But the most common way of naming it would come from the sensation of a dry mouth like wood after too much alcohol consumption. Then, the meaning of this expression would have drifted more generally to designate all the symptoms due to this excess of consumption. As you may have guessed, we are talking about hangovers here.

Accros the history 

Across time and borders, hangovers have been treated with a large number of more or less effective and sometimes rather frightening remedies. The first and certainly the most accurate was and still is to abstain from alcohol or to drink only very moderately. Quite simply. Since many people did not follow this solution, other solutions had to be found.
In ancient Greece, cloves and an amethyst in the mouth were recommended. In Egypt, a necklace made of Alexandrian laurel would do the trick. The Romans took a less vegetarian view of the matter, proposing, among other things, fried canary, sheep’s lung or ground swallow beaks. In the Middle Ages, people turned to eels, which were said to absorb all the alcohol in the bodies of those who ate them raw. In the 17th century, in England, a doctor, Mr Goddard, created a secret remedy against hangovers: Goddard’s drops. However, the recipe was eventually discovered: ammonia, powdered human skull and dried viper…

Historical remedies

While historical remedies are used, different regions of the world also have their own local concoctions. In Germany, the Katerfrühstück is made of cucumbers wrapped in smoked herring to be enjoyed at breakfast. In Poland, the juice from the jar in which the gherkins are marinated is recommended. In Mongolia, it is a sheep’s eye that you should swallow in a glass of tomato juice and vinegar. Again, in South Africa, it’s sheep, but this time it’s the brains that will be eaten. Finally, in Australia, the indigenous people make green tea with… the abdomens of green ants. Apparently, this tea has a lemony taste and is also effective against headaches and colds.


A 2019 UK study of over 2000 adults found 724! Yes, we would experience a hangover on average 724 times during our lifetime, that is almost two years.

At Oxilia Extracts

So at Oxilia Extracts, we would first like to remind you to drink responsibly and in moderation! Two years is a long time!
Finally, we are happy to be able to contribute to your good health tomorrow with our 100% natural capsules which contain neither sheep’s brains nor ants’ stomachs, but more fortunately basil, lichen and artichoke!